
    ðŸ‘‰ Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.     ðŸ‘‰ The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you.     ðŸ‘‰ Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.


Smart Classrooms
The overriding aim of the Smart Classrooms strategy is to make ICT integral to learning.

  • To realise this, the Department of Education, Training and Employment together with schools will achieve a number of goals.
  • To take full advantage of the possibilities of ICT to enhance student learning, create efficiencies in delivering education and school administration, and advance lifelong learning.
  • To empower schools, teachers and students to make the most of new technologies to create new learning pathways that equip students to live and work in the Smart State.
  • To connect teachers with professional learning so they can create and employ meaningful and engaging strategies where ICT is integral to learning.
  • To build partnerships between schools and school communities to broaden learning opportunities, foster collaboration and advance lifelong learning.
  • To support the effective use of ICT for learning by sharing and celebrating success, delivering an underpinning framework of ICT support and assisting schools to maintain and extend their ICT curriculum integration.

 All the 16 classrooms of the school are equipped with Smart Boards.

Computer Education
It is not about the technology; it’s about sharing knowledge and information, communicating efficiently, building learning communities and creating a culture of professionalism in schools. These are the key responsibilities of all educational leaders.

The school has 2 well equipped computer labs. Computer Education is imparted to all the students from classes LKG to VIII (compulsorily) and for classes IX to XII (optional).

Sick Bay
The School is situated in Air Force Station and all medical aids are provided by Station Medical Center which is hardly 50 meters away.

School Counsellor Desk
There is a life beyond academics. A student experience a topsy turvy ride during his schooldays and to make it a jovial ride counsellor provides a helping hand. We provide a pathway to students to cope up with different life challenges, demands of self, parents, school and community and maintain a harmonious balance in life. Furthermore, we ensure a proper career guidance to the students keeping in mind their aptitude and interests as well as innate and unique potential.

All round the year students are engrossed in various career guidance workshops, life skill programme and Adolescent education programme with the primary concern of letting them know about self, how to tackle life challenges without any fear and rendering them a quality life.

Today’s Experiments are Tomorrow’s Technology

The school labs offer an experience conductive to learning for the students. The labs are well equipped and provide for not only the prescribed syllabus but much beyond.

We have 3 labs for-    

  1. Biology
  2. Chemistry
  3. Physics
  4. Maths

Audio Visual Rooms
The School has a well-furnished air-conditioned Audio Visual room. There are 23 Desktop computers networked in a Local Area Network with Internet facility.

Learning is facilitated by frequent use of the audio-visual room which is specially allocated for teaching in all academic sessions. Students are also encouraged to make use of this room for presentations by them for different projects. The air-conditioned AV Room facilitates workshop for students and teachers at regular intervals.

School Transport
No transportation facility is provided by school.